Summer Reading! – For the kids?

So, it’s that time of year. I know everyone focuses on which activities we need to get our kids to do to keep them active and not on video games the entire time.

But I feel like this needs some attention as well! It helps the brain do some wondering and exercising as well, and that is just as important.

Now, here is the hard part…
Which books to have the kids read?

I remember back in the day when I was little-er I used to love these books:

But what’s out there today?

I started asking some other moms, and here are some books that they told me about:

Now I got excited because I recognized the Author!

Apparently this has been out for a while as well, I just haven’t seen it. *laughs*

I know they made a movie of this lately, and what’s interesting is that boys can enjoy this too!

A newer series I had to look up. I thought maybe it was older, but definitely a newer one. I had heard of it before because they made a movie from this as well!

Now, I have never heard of this one, but I will need to look into it for my daughter.

Another book a Boy can enjoy!

These are starters for younger kids, but it’s fantastic! I think it’s a good list to begin with, and if you are an “out of touch mom” like me, you’ll be glad for this list!